Sunday, June 21, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I called dad this afternoon. Happy Father's Day. I looked in the balcony at church today and saw Bobby, Andrea and Marcus. It made a happy Father's Day. I got home from church and Cindy, Bobby and Andrea had fixed lunch - hamburgers & bratwurst - homemade ice cream and blackberry cobbler (i start the diet tomorrow). I tried to watch the Royals but oh boy. Golf is much more interesting (imagine that).
Today church was alive. At least that was what I felt from where I was. The music was great. I KNOW my Redeemer Lives - thanks Susan N. Curtis made me excited praying for campers and leading us to the throne of grace. While I was preaching YOU brought me to life.
Preaching is an amazing thing. Sermon preparation starts early in the week. It continues each day. The study and work gets done. That's just part of it. I have discovered that I can write a sermon. I can deliver a message. But i can't preach unless the Holy Spirit shows up. I am learning the key to preaching is found in YOUR eyes. When there is hope, anticipation and a sense that you are really listening for a word from God - a preacher can PREACH. I don't know how you found it today, but you were alive.
My prayer is that you find in the core of your being that you truly believe that God is good, God is love and God is trustworthy. I pray that in the core of your being you truly experience the perfect goodness of God. I pray that as only God is able you face tomorrow KNOWING at the core of who you are that God is good, is love and is absolutely trustworthy.
Wow. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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