Monday, June 8, 2009

Annual Conference Day 4

We finished conference today. It was probably the most positive, inspiring, encouraging conference I have participated in. (At least that is my perspective.) Now some people would rather we enter more forcefully into debate about certain issues. We did vote on a number of constitutional amendments and the debate seemed pretty minimal to me. But we will see how all that turns out.
The day began with Bishop Schnase sharing a a teaching time with us. I have never heard him better. He issued the challenge to be invitational. A few examples were shared of ways he has allowed normal circumstances to lead to entering a conversation with someone about faith and church. (This will be our invitation for the next several months!)
Congressman Emanual Cleaver II was introduced as a new assistant to the bishop. The man gets more done on "break" than most do in a full time job! He will offer his expertise to the churches of our conferences, especially the African-American churches and pastors. His comments - it was a real sermon - was tremendously inspiring. He inspired me to "life up Jesus!" We often need these reminders to get back to the basics of life in Christ and what our faith is really about.
All the appointments were "fixed." Your pastoral staff - Curtis, Angie, Ginger and myself are re-appointed for the ensuing year. Personally I am extremely grateful to be privileged to serve as senior pastor of Platte Woods UMC.
Good to be home. Now back to work putting to practice the insights gained.
Our lay members - Brian and Evelyn Evans, Mike Cole, and Alan Herndon will be putting some thoughts together and they will be posted on my blog. (I think) Look for that in the next few days.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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