Sunday, January 5, 2020

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I stepped into one of our adult Sunday School classes today and asked if they had seen the news? They knew I was coming and I spoke to the weekends media announcement about the church splitting.
The reports that the UMC had split are premature. What was announced was basically a proposal that people from various caucus groups had agreed on. Should this proposal survive debate, amendment and who knows what else and become church rule at this Mays General Conference, the denominations position on same sex marriage and ordination of LGBTQ persons would change. I would say there is a strong likelihood this could happen.
At that point a new Methodist denomination would come about. This new expression could have a more traditional interpretation of scripture relating to human sexuality. The issues get more complex but at the end of the day there would be two streams of Methodism.
When I picture PWUMC in the next few years I am not seeing the kind of vitriol and animosity I see at larger, structural levels. As a matter of fact I see people of diverse opinions worshipping together and fellowshipping together. People serve together. People unite in significant initiatives.
I see people getting together. Arguing, agreeing and disagreeing, fighting...and going to lunch!
I am hopeful and have confidence in the local church.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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