Sunday, October 21, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This weekend my brother John and I had the opportunity to share in our home church, Trinity United Methodist in Appleton City, Mo.  I did a workshop on church health Friday evening and Saturday morning while John preached Saturday and Sunday.  I am sure the people there were blessed by the preaching and was thankful they were gracious during the workshop!
One is never sure what impact they are making but I certainly enjoyed being "back home" for a little bit.  Stayed Friday night with life-long friends. (thanks again Larry and Karla)  I looked around the table and it seemed like only yesterday we were lighting the candles for church, sitting in the balcony, getting baptized and confirmed together. 
Our memories may be larger than reality but they are truly our memories.
I came away from the weekend with a renewed commitment that God is able.  God is able to use any church - big or small - to reach the unreached in their mission field.  We were looking at a community of 1100 surrounded by another several hundred in the country.  Assuming around 60% of the population do NOT attend church (which is a percentage we are seeing in many places) there are hundreds of unchurched, unreached people in their mission field.  If a church in a rural community could make a difference in 5% of the unreached they would double their impact.  Pretty amazing.
Things do not usually work according to our formulas but the Holy Spirit does not seem that interested in our formulas. 
So, God is able.  God is able to use His people to reach others. 
Small church, big church, medium church, mega-church, God uses all sorts of churches to be a light in the world that makes a difference.
Be a difference maker.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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