Sunday, July 15, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Friends.  It is always good to catch up with our friends.  Today Clayton and Lori Smith visited church and we went to lunch together.  Clayton recently retired from his executive pastor position at Church of the Resurrection.  We go back many years in ministry and friendship.  Lori was our administrative assistant in the Southeast District when I was the Superintendent there.  It was great to see her today.  Friends.
From there Cindy and I went to Oak Grove for our friend Anne's surprise birthday.  It was not much of a surprise but it was great to be there. In addition her boys were all there with their families.  Shane was in our first confirmation class in the church we started.  We have known their family for over thirty years.  Friends.
We gather each weekend and spend time with friends.  Some are old friends, some are new friends.  The true greatness comes when we are friends in Christ.  Faith connects.  Faith unites.  Friends.
Another aspect of friendship is our friendship with Jesus.  The Lord spoke to his disciples (friends) and took their relationship to a new level. 
"I no longer call you servants...instead, I have called you friends..." (John 15:15)
Friends.  For many of us Jesus is an old friend we always enjoy being with.  For many Jesus is a new friend and a relationship is being forged.  For some...Jesus wants to call you friend.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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