Sunday, May 6, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Happy Birthday, Dad.  Today is my dad's 87th birthday.  Cindy asked him what his best birthday was.  He said, "87".  Pretty good attitude.
It is funny when you look at time and wonder where it goes?  I still picture my dad teaching me to throw a baseball.  I see him putting up my first basketball goal.  We have a picture with him tackling me in my first football uniform. 
I see dad in church.  This past week I was at a service in my home church.  There were a few of us remembering where we used to sit.  We remembered a number of people.  We remembered my dad and could point to the place where he would sit (and probably fall asleep!)  His presence in church was so important.
I remember countless games and activities where my dad was present.  I remember.
Today we all get to make memories.  I am grateful for so many.
Happy birthday dad.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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