Sunday, May 27, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today at church between services, a lady introduced herself to me.  She has recently begun coming to PWC and wanted to know how to volunteer for Vacation Bible School!  That made the day. 
We have been thinking about how to best evaluate our participation at church.  When I began in ministry we based things on membership.  Even our apportionments heavily factored in membership to the equation.  Some years back we decreased the emphasis on membership and focused more on average worship attendance.  Today it becomes increasingly difficult to know what to count.
Statistics tell us that people attending church one out of six weekends consider themselves regular attenders.  When I was growing up fifty-two weeks a year was considered regular.  (Of course we always walked to church, in six feet of snow, uphill both ways!)  Anyway, times change.
Today we are learning to look for ways to evaluate "engaged participates".  We still do membership and we count attendance, but here is a different way to look at our involvement.
An engaged participant is one who attends worship a minimum of eight times a year.  An engaged participant is one who is "learning in groups".  An engaged participant is one who serves.  An engaged participant is one who practices generosity.
This is certainly not fool proof but it does offer some indication of who is growing in grace and pursuing Christian Discipleship by following Jesus.
We still have much work to do but we are learning some things. 
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we looked at a fascinating video, "How Wolves Change Rivers".  I was at a recent meeting with leaders of Conference Board's of Ordained Ministry and Lisa Greenwood shared the video (check it out on uTube) to spark our discussion of seeing change in the Church.
Basically deer had grazed most of the vegetation away in Yellowstone Park.  After a seventy year absence wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone to thin the deer.  What happened totally transformed Yellowstone.  The deer population thinned and re-located to different areas.  The vegetation come back.  Some trees grew five times as high in six years.  Plant life increased.  New species of animals returned.  Eventually even the rivers changed!  It is a fascinating story. 
Here is the what if...
What if we were to see the re-introduction of the Holy Spirit into the life of the church.  (Why not make that your church?)  Some unexpected things might ensue.  For instance, the activities that consume our spiritual and temporal resources might be "consumed" and re-allocated.  With that new work and ministry emerges.  The environment changes.  Love prevails.  Holiness returns.  Jesus is living in our midst.  People return.  New people arrive.  Influence spreads.  Like the wolves change rivers, the Church changes the culture. 
Imagine the transformation the Spirit-filled Church makes.  A culture of death (no more school shootings!!!) is transformed by the Living Lord.  Picture a world turned upside down by the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.
The original Pentecost in Christian tradition empowered eyewitnesses to the resurrection to share the Good News with the world.  A "Today Pentecost" will do the same.
Here is our prayer.  Come, Holy Spirit, fill my life, fill your church.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Happy Mother's Day - to all mothers, but especially to Esther Lou Breon, my mom, and Cindy Breon, our kids mom. 
We had the opportunity to all be together for lunch today.  What a gift.  It is a gift not to be taken for granted. 
There are some popular call outs to moms.  Do you remember when Kevin Durant won the NBA most valuable player award and in his acceptance speech gave the credit to his mom.  Google it - worth watching.
We could take note of any number of stories and recognitions.  Personal ones are best.
I can say thanks, mom, for good humor.  She passed that trait on to me.
Thanks for the value of education.
Thanks for the example of serving the church.
Thanks for support - especially when not deserved.
Thanks for giving opportunities.
Thanks for love - the unconditional kind.
Thanks for everything.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Happy Birthday, Dad.  Today is my dad's 87th birthday.  Cindy asked him what his best birthday was.  He said, "87".  Pretty good attitude.
It is funny when you look at time and wonder where it goes?  I still picture my dad teaching me to throw a baseball.  I see him putting up my first basketball goal.  We have a picture with him tackling me in my first football uniform. 
I see dad in church.  This past week I was at a service in my home church.  There were a few of us remembering where we used to sit.  We remembered a number of people.  We remembered my dad and could point to the place where he would sit (and probably fall asleep!)  His presence in church was so important.
I remember countless games and activities where my dad was present.  I remember.
Today we all get to make memories.  I am grateful for so many.
Happy birthday dad.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.