Sunday, March 4, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Some days make you sit back and go "wow".  This weekend provoked that response in me.  We confirmed 37 this weekend.  People stood before God and the congregation and declared their faith in Jesus Christ.  We baptized 11 youth and 1 child this weekend.  People were added to the kingdom through the ministry of the church.  It was a reflection of what we are about.
There have been times when parents and family members have established the path that would lead their children to faith.  Friends, Sunday School teachers, Vacation Bible School leaders, camp counselors, trusted friends, teachers, coaches, Scout leaders, and a host of others have contributed to people saying yes to following Jesus.
Our emphasis has been on claiming the privilege of reaching out to others, as God has (first) reached out to us, and inviting people (real people, with names, faces, and personalities) to join us in following Jesus. 
We were given a taste of what that looks like this weekend.
Something tells me there is more to come. 
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day to.
p.s. For those who came to the sanctuary service at 10:45 and either got re-located to the balcony or to the Worship Center, thank you.  You gave up your seat so family members could share in the confirmation of special people.

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