Sunday, January 28, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we announced our plans to launch a new worship service on the first Sunday in Lent, February 18.  It will be traditional in nature and held in the sanctuary at 10:45.
From the beginning of our building program there has been the vision for concurrent services.  This will give us our most traditional and most modern services meeting concurrently to serve the worship needs of our mission field.
Our current 9:15 service is averaging nearly 80% capacity in the worship center.  Rather than wait until we have put a "lid" on our potential at this popular service we will launch out and gain room to grow in significant ways.
We have also learned that there is a high expectation that churches in our mission field provide excellent traditional worship as well as contemporary worship.  We are in a unique position where we believe we are able to do both.
We expect a number of our current attendees to become more deeply connected with traditional worship.
We expect a number of people to get connected through traditional worship.
We expect a number of new people to  become connected through traditional worship.
In a year we anticipate 10 new families and 50 new participants in the current 9:15 and new 10:45 services.
We will also plan to see an increase in the 9:15 praise service as more room is available and we are able to specialize in the praise style. 
Our Modern Worship has shown the greatest increase in participation in the past year and we will continue to emphasize this style and time.  This service reaches more people for their "first church experience" than any other we offer.  This trend will only increase.
We will begin offering Holy Communion weekly at 8:00 and expect an increase in this service. 
The Saturday night service has a stronger identity than it has in several years and we see new people sharing in this service.
Keep the church in your prayers.  Even changes like this do not come without challenges.  I trust that through the Holy Spirit these challenges will be met and the kingdom of God move forward.
Another thought on this...
I see Platte Woods UMC in a similar place that the Kansas City Chiefs find themselves.  It appears the Chiefs feel they are "good enough".  From the outside looking in (I truly hope to be totally wrong about this) it looks like they settle for good but are afraid to try to be great.
Our church is better than good - but - what could God do?  I have decided that it is not best for our church, the kingdom of God, nor our future to play it safe.  So we launch out. 
On another note...
Rev. Cindy Buhman led our annual Church Conference today.  We did the business and then focused on highlights of our ministry.  Our staff shared highlights and spotlighted different volunteers who have contributed greatly to the ministry of our church.
We concluded this with a special recognition of Peter and Phyllis Babalian for their service in hospitality.  We miss Peter and have framed his hospitality shirt and plan to keep it visible as a reminder of those who selflessly commit to service.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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