Sunday, December 31, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening (New Year's edition)

Feeling grateful for so many people who have invested in my life and brought joy and encouragement this year.  A small sample...
Cynthy, Larry, Carl, Jay, Paul, Bobby, Leslie, Andrea, Billy, Jake, Nancy, Lori, Jennifer, Jessica, Britton, Misty, Mandy, Rachel, Sue, Clif, Dee, Bob, Janice, Anne, Becky, Mike, Marty, Mona, Mom & Dad, Julie, Scott, Dave, Jodi...
I hope you get the idea.  There are so many more for whom I am extremely grateful.
We can think of all the things we do and experiences we have but what really matters are the people in our lives.
As we enter 2018 I hope you will find the people who will make your life better.
And when we wake to a new year be constantly reminded of the One who invested all in us and continues to encourage and sustain us day by day and moment by moment - Jesus.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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