Sunday, November 12, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It was a real joy watching so many people step forward today and offer themselves in various forms of service. I was especially pleased to see elementary age kids come with their cards. 
The response to the call to engage through service will surely result in extending the mission and mission of Jesus Christ through our church.
It becomes increasingly clear that when a church discerns a call to "lead people to follow Jesus" these followers will "fall in love" with Jesus and then seek to honor and "serve" the Lord.
We reinforced the idea that we love God, not only with words but with deeds.  We easily say "I love God".  We demonstrate our love for God by loving one another.  We give tangible expression of our love by serving. 
On another note...The Turkey Dinner on Saturday was a joy.  I heard comments on how well organized it was and how great the food was.  The fellowship was also super.  Well done youth!  Especially Britton and Brandy.
On yet another note...Joshlyn Barajas' testimony and baptism was a great blessing.  Wow!
On still another note...Welcome Mark and Sally Harpst to Platte Woods!
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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