Sunday, October 22, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

John 15:1 finds Jesus saying, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener."
Now imagine your soul as a perfectly cared for garden.  I have shared about my trip to the Huntington Gardens several years ago.  It was like nothing I had previously seen.  There are some characteristics of this type of garden.  Obviously there is an absence of weeds.  But perhaps more importantly there is color, unique plants, and beauty. 
When God our Heavenly Father, relates to our lives (soul) like the gardener in Jesus' image, He is continually creating a soul that is absent of weeds (sin), is unique, colorful, and beautiful.  I pray my soul resemble that sort of well-cared for garden.
There is an alternative.  I have been to some neglected, even abandoned, rural cemeteries that are over-grown with weeds and brush. 
Which image best describes your soul today? 
A life yielded to the "Gardener", our Lord God, finds a life experiencing the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.  God has amazing things in store for you.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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