Sunday, October 29, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It was around 30 years ago I was sitting at my desk when the phone rang.  I lived in Blue Springs and a person was calling to make appointments for an upcoming blood drive at the Presbyterian Church. 
They asked if I had ever donated before.  I said "no".  They asked if I would.  I thought about it and could not think of a good reason to decline, so I said "sure".  So they made my appointment.
I remember my dad was "on call" for blood donations.  It was not as organized in those days.  If the hospital needed a blood donor they would make a call.  I did not think much about that at the time but when asked to give blood I remembered. 
I must say I felt a little nervous as the time came to go make my donation.  I was not sure what was going to happen.  I assumed it was not some excruciating experience since the whole basement of the church was full of people giving blood.  I don't remember the details but evidently it was a good experience.
From that beginning I became a regular blood donor and have continued the practice to the present.  There have been times when I was not eligible.  When returning from a mission trip I have had to wait a year to donate.  But it has become something I am able to do.
I appreciated all our people who took the time to donate blood today.  I have not heard the numbers but it seemed like we had more than normal.
It is a very simple thing to do.  And the difference it makes is huge.  Lives may literally be saved. 
Isn't that how it works with things of faith.  Most everyone has some past experience of knowing a person who believed and lived out their faith.  Then the call comes inviting one to consider faith in Christ.  Have you ever made a commitment to Jesus?  Would you?  For those who can't think of a good idea not to, make the appointment.  Faith is an on-going, life changing matter.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

John 15:1 finds Jesus saying, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener."
Now imagine your soul as a perfectly cared for garden.  I have shared about my trip to the Huntington Gardens several years ago.  It was like nothing I had previously seen.  There are some characteristics of this type of garden.  Obviously there is an absence of weeds.  But perhaps more importantly there is color, unique plants, and beauty. 
When God our Heavenly Father, relates to our lives (soul) like the gardener in Jesus' image, He is continually creating a soul that is absent of weeds (sin), is unique, colorful, and beautiful.  I pray my soul resemble that sort of well-cared for garden.
There is an alternative.  I have been to some neglected, even abandoned, rural cemeteries that are over-grown with weeds and brush. 
Which image best describes your soul today? 
A life yielded to the "Gardener", our Lord God, finds a life experiencing the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.  God has amazing things in store for you.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A special thanks to John Miller for speaking this weekend.  John is our Lay Leader and also serves as the NW District Lay Leader.  This represents the strong connection between clergy and laity that is essential for a church to serve the Lord and community.  John brought us a great message speaking of worship from the lay perspective.  Thanks John.
We do have a unique situation at Platte Woods.  We have a great staff that is responsible for managing the work of the church on a daily basis.  They do a great job.  At the same time we know that as staff our ministry is to serve Christ and the congregation.  Together we provide a witness that contributes to leading people to follow Jesus.
I had the opportunity to lead worship this weekend.  I am thankful for those who helped out with the Apostle's Creed today.  When it was time to start I couldn't think of the words.  I knew it was not "I pledge allegiance" but it took someone in the congregation to say "I believe".  You just never know...
On another note...can somebody tell me why I put myself through watching these Chiefs games?  Maybe the second half...
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today in worship we presented Third Graders with their Bibles.  That is always one of my favorite things we do.  It is encouraging to see the eagerness for God's Word in young hearts.
We were led in prayer by a student and family.  Another young person read the scripture today.  Thanks Noah and Megan!  It looks to me like the future is very hopeful.
Hopeful is not the word I sense many people have been using over the past few weeks.  Despair seems more like it.  I also hear a good bit of anger and confusion. 
A little over a year ago we were shocked by the shooting in Orlando.  Now Las Vegas.  We talk.  We mourn.  We take precautions.  We do a lot of things.  Still we have no iron clad assurance that a senseless act of violence will not happen again.  (Of course there are parts of the world where these things have become common.  May we never fall into that sense of resignation).
But in spite of all the storms, shootings, war and threats of war, fear and the list goes on, we are hopeful.
By "we" I mean Christians - followers of the Lord of Life, the Savior of the World, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Great Physician, the Alpha and Omega, the Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd, the Light of the World, the Gate, The Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Vine, the I Am - Jesus.
Jesus  brings life to a church.  A church welcomes children and families.  A young life is being formed by the Spirit, a Christian family, and a vibrant Church community.  Hope keeps calling.
Never forget the future is firmly held in God's grip of grace.  Person after person are finding their hearts touched by that same grace.  We witnessed this hopeful miracle today.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I am tempted to write about sports today.  The Royals are finishing up the end of an era.  The last five years have been really good for baseball in K.C.  But now it is time to move into the off season and see what it looks like on March 29, 2018.  But I don't want to write about sports today.
Maybe a little more about sports...In the old, old days when the Chiefs were as good as any team in football they had a transition time with their roster.  In the 1970's they went with loyalty and held on to some great veterans who made the Chiefs the great team they were.  And they ended up with decades of futility for it.  There comes a time to say thank you and move into the next phase.
One more thing about sports.  Russell Westbrook signed a 205 million dollar contract to play basketball.  That is all.
That is enough sports.
Oh yes, one more thing.  NW Missouri had an amazing comeback win to stay undefeated. 
One more thing...Baker is undefeated at 6-0.  In case you had been wondering.
That really is enough.
Surely there is a transition to faith in this somewhere.  Perhaps the lesson lies in "turn the page".  God's mercies are fresh every morning.  Turn the page.
The Resurrection of Jesus makes every day a new possibility filled with hope.  Turn the page.
The faith is always moving with growth and depth of insight.  Turn the page.
The Church is always on the move.  Turn the page.
There is no resting on past success or victory.  Turn the page.
The possibility of reaching a new person for Jesus Christ propels us forward.  Turn the page.
So there you have it.  Sports, faith, church.
Turn the page.  The story of your life and your church and your faith continues to be written.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.