Sunday, September 10, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Seasons.  Baseball season is winding down with its 'second season', the playoffs, coming soon.
Football season is just getting under way.  Chiefs may be interesting this year.
When those of my generation were growing up we played the games during their season.  We seemed to cycle through each year as we grew up.  We continue thinking in terms of "seasons".
We understand that life has seasons.
There are seasons in the Church year.
With this in mind I have a difficult time relating to today's year round sports.  It seems that at an early age kids are expected to choose what they will do.  Then they do one thing all year.
Maybe that is the way to do things.  It is hard to argue with focusing on something and staying with it.  It is a good way to get really good at something.
But I appreciate the ways things were.  We didn't even have organized sports until nearly junior high.  We would just get together and go play.
Now here it comes - the application.
Are there seasons in the Christian life?  Are we meant to be totally focused on one aspect of the life of faith and become proficient?  Or is there a rhythm to the Christian life?  Are there seasons of preparation and seasons of serving?  Are there seasons of discovery and seasons of giving?  Are there seasons where prayer is a learning focus?  Are there seasons where we get acquainted with evangelism?
I really do not have a definitive answer to my questions.  But I am going to lean toward various seasons of Christian faith where we move from day to day, and season to season, being formed by the Spirit.
I wonder what season you are in?
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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