Sunday, June 25, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today Seth Godin's blog was titled "Better than it needs to be."  His bottom line was "why not do it because you can, not because you have to...?"
That points to a good attitude toward serving the Lord through His Church.  There are too many attitudes like "good enough for who it's for."  That won't work.  Our service is for the Lord.
Some ask how close to the edge they can live without falling away from faith?  That is not the right question.  How close to the center may I live and honor Christ?
If you find yourself asking if something is a sin or not that is a sure tip-off that it is.  Don't do it.
If you have to look to the right and then to the left to see if anyone is watching before you do something, don't do it.
If you are thinking what is the least I can do and still be considered acceptable, you are thinking incorrectly.
If you look for how to cut a corner, pay less for someone's work, compromise the are heading along the wrong path.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to be more than we can be.  The Holy Spirit empowers us to do more than we can do.  The Holy Spirit moves us forward.
It is a good Christian attitude toward loving and serving God and others.  "Why not do it because you can, not because you have to?"
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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