Sunday, May 21, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I give extra thanks to God for six leaders in Platte Woods UMC.  Glenn and Barbara Ladd, Jim and Margie Thomas, and Dean and Deb Welsch.  They are our Confirmation Class leaders.  Week after week they invest themselves in the lives of young people leading to confirmands making their profession of faith in Jesus Christ.  Today we witnessed the fruit of their love and efforts as seven young people stepped forward into the Christian life.
We could not touch the lives of young people in this way were it not for the excellent leadership Britton Fields and Brand Stumbaugh provide.
It is always a special moment to baptize and confirm.  In our tradition the ordained (Nancy Listen, Jessica Richard, and myself) place our hands on the confirmands and symbolize the Holy Spirit coming.  It is pretty amazing.
In addition to our confirmation class we witnessed another youth being baptized. Blessings on Kaitlyn Bolt! We also shared in Calvin Hagedorn's baptism.  We pray for Benjamin and Kaity as they raise Calvin in the faith.
One gets the idea the Holy Spirit is moving in the church.  I give thanks.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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