Sunday, January 29, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This weekend we celebrated Pastor Ginger Pudenz's 9 years of service at Platte Woods.  Ginger has been a great gift to the church and continues to be a great gift to ministry.  As she has shared Ginger will be taking some time off to work on some things and be ready for appointment in the spring.
Ginger preached and brought the Word today. It was a highlight day in the life of our church.
Of course having Oleta Adams surprise her with a solo added to the day!
From worship - to a reception to our "State of the Church" it was a tiring but blessed day.  I continue to be amazed by what God is doing in the life of our church.  Now we look to the next day and see what God has in store.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I have a new favorite!  Addison became my all time favorite baptism Saturday evening.  Her family brought her forward.  She had on a beautiful white baptismal gown.  She looks like an angel.  I gave the baptismal questions to her parents.  They are people of genuine faith in Christ.  They responded and I found myself envisioning this beautify girl growing into a personal faith in Jesus.  I took her in my arms.  I reached in and took the water from the font.  I dropped the water onto her head and spoke the words of the baptismal covenant.  Then came a moment I had never experienced before.
Perhaps last night about 5:15 you heard a sound like a screaming airplane.  You may have even gone outside to see what was happening in the Northland.  There is a good chance lights in your home flickered.  I expect to hear that some shingles fell off people's roofs.
That was Addison.  I thought to myself, "What Have I Done!"
Then Pastor Ginger stepped forward.  She reached out her arms and I was relieved to hand the baby to her.  Of course she immediately stopped crying.  Her mother took her.  With a stunned look on my face I handed Ryan the baptism certificate and sat down.  Addison enjoyed the rest of the service.  Perfect.
I, of course, reflected on this.  It dawned on me.  This is more like it!  So often we "dry clean" in baptism.  Maybe we make it some sentimental rite where we place a couple of drops of water on a child's forehead and they sleep through the whole thing.
With that entrance into the Christian life it is no wonder so many church people seem to sleep walk through the life of faith.  That is how they got started!
I have extremely high expectations for Addison!  When a baby is born they catch their first breath, let out a scream and enter life.  Why not baptism?  This is the breath of life - the Spirit of God.  This is our first breath of the Spirit.  Of course we should let out a cry as we enter this new life that God is beckoning us to.
With such a great start I look forward to seeing Addison grow into a bold believer and devoted follower of Christ.
What a joy.  That is a baptism that took!
It's been a good day.
I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I found the morning less than satisfactory.  That is not because we sang poorly or the preaching was lacking.  No.  We cancelled services this morning.  I heeded the best information we could get.  I look out and there is no snow on the ground.  It is not that cold.  I walked out and discovered it is slick out.  - Didn't fall down or anything, just got out enough to know it is slick.
Could we have made it to church?  Probably everyone would have been fine.  Is guaranteeing safety the most important thing we do in the church?  No.  But all things considered we will make the most of the day.
I watched North Point Community Church (Andy Stanley) and The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection (Adam Hamilton) on line.  That is pretty amazing that we can worship across the country and hear something from the Lord.
But it is not the same.  I missed the fellowship of being with you.  I missed the music.  I missed the conversations we have.  I missed watching a young person walk forward and light candles.  I missed preaching.  I missed ...
I believe we made a good, responsible decision to stay home today.
But we'll be back.  I'm already looking forward to next weekend when we can trust the weather will be more cooperative and again we will join together and worship the Lord.
It's been a ... different day.
I pray you've had a great day.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Recently I read 2 Corinthians 7:1.  "Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
I have a "holiness" background.  My great-grandmother was a member of the Church of God Holiness. It is a small church in my hometown.  I had my introduction to holiness at a young age.  As I grew in faith I continued to think about holiness.  Frankly my initial ideas of holiness seemed to move in the direction of "don't do that".  Holiness was also associated with simplicity and other Christian practices that were considered holy.
I have always struggled to communicate holiness.  It is not taking all the things you enjoy and calling them bad.  It is not only external.  As a matter of fact we sometimes define holiness by referring to holiness of heart and life; inner and outward holiness.
Recently I had a thought that was inspired by the 2 Corinthians text.
Think of a windshield.  When the window is clear and clean you can see in and out clearly.  When the windshield gets dirty or scummy clarity is compromised.
Compare this to our soul and thoughts of holiness.  When we are clear in our commitment and clean in our lives we can see in and out clearly.  In other words this sort of clarity lets Jesus be seen clearly in our life.  - Inner holiness.  By the same token when we have this clarity we are able to see God in other people and at work in the world with clarity. - Outward holiness.
A clean heart will let others see Jesus in you and let you see Jesus in others.  I think this is a way holiness works.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.