Sunday, December 25, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Everyone has gone home. Now to reflect on Christmas 2016.
Christmas Eve services in the new worship center were great. So many people helped make the services meaningful and honoring to the Lord. We were like other churches in the Northland with high attendance. Participation on Christmas Eve reinforces the idea that people are interested in the Christian faith and look for ways to addeess spiritual needs. How do we best build on this reality and reach people in ways thatt develop vital disciples of Jesus Christ?
This morning the dining hall was full of people fixing plates of food to deliver to people working today. This outreach has grown from 40 some meals to nearly 300 in the past 12 years. I see young people joining their families to serve in this way. They have been doing this most of their lives! Some day they will be sitting with a group in their church thinking about ways to serve Christ and others and they will share the Christmas meal delivery their church did. And the ministry goes on and on. 
I think about how deeply grateful I am for family that enjoys being together.
I think about the birth of Jesus - the Incarnation - and how God has acted to save us. I am amazed and deeply thankful. 
This evening I rest in the peace of Christ.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Brrrr.  In case anyone did not notice the streets were slick Saturday.  I felt the need to get out and check the roads before making a decision on whether or not to have church Saturday evening. I backed out of the drive and headed down the hill.  I figured I would go down a couple of blocks, make a turn and circle back around.  Started up a hill and couldn't make it.  I think I could have been in an army tank and still not made it.  Really slick.  In trying to get squared around and head back down that hill the vehicle started to slide.  There was nothing to do.  I whacked a mailbox and knocked it over.  From there I got across the street and got a little off the road so I could get some traction, stopped the car and headed back across the street to let the homeowner know they would soon be the proud owners of a new mailbox courtesy of the guy driving on the slick road.
I got across the road and came to the sidewalk in front of the house.  It was really slick.  Then things began to happen.  It was like slow motion.  I thought I cannot stand on this stuff much longer.  Rather than flail away I just basically sat down on the ice and slid down the hill like a kid on a sled!
Then I got in the grass and made it to the front door.  I have this idea the couple had been watching the whole thing.  I knocked, they opened the door and invited me in.  I gave them my card with my cell phone number and asked them to call me so I could replace the mailbox.  I did tell them I was doing "church business" checking on the roads.  They were nice.  Who knows, maybe they will come to church some time.
Needless to say we did not have church Saturday evening.  I will cancel Saturday services when the weather is like it was Saturday.  But we do not cancel on Sundays due to weather.  In past years I've tried that.  We would put a note on the door announcing that services were cancelled and somebody would come up and read it.  So if someone is going to come to church we are committed to being there regardless of the weather.
I got back up the hill and into the garage.  Stayed in until this morning when I carefully navigated my way to church where a pretty amazing crowd of people braved the elements to come and worship the Lord.  It was a blessed day all around.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Walter Bryant and the music program of PWUMC provided great worship this weekend with the Christmas cantata, "Almost There".  We are so blessed to have such varied and excellent music to escort us into the presence of God on a weekly basis.  Today was special.
This weekend I had my annual opportunity to participate in the music ministry.  A few years ago Walter asked if I would narrate the cantata.  I figured I can read pretty well so why not.  So I have been narrating for the past few years.  I actually find it enjoyable.
This year Walter offered to give me a year off.  You see, this cantata was more difficult than some we have done.  It was challenging for the musicians (they all did a fantastic job) and as I discovered for the narrator.
Here was my issue.  A little background helps.  I don't do music.  I listen to it and I enjoy it very much.  But I don't sing. I don't play instruments.  I have difficulty playing the radio!  I know what a note is and can tell if they go up or down but as far as reading music - nada.
So when I was narrating this cantata and needing to read in the middle of songs and be able to read my parts at the right time -- I had a challenge.  But Walter let me go ahead.
As I thought about this and how I was probably not going to do this really well and would need to work on it more than usual to make sure I "did no harm" I realized something.  I was going to have to practice what I preach.
Here is what I mean.  I often ask people to get out of their comfort zone and take a risk.  As a matter of fact I have pretty much asked our whole church to do that.  You have responded in some amazing ways.  Anyway, here I was having to do that myself.
Glad I did.  Everyone helped me out.  I had a couple of things pointed out that were corrected.  When it was all said and done everything fit together nicely and meaningful ministry happened.
Now I get back to what comes a bit easier for me - (I would rather preach 100 times than stress out on the music!)  But the next time I feel the nudge to step outside my comfort zone and seek to do something for God I will have a greater sense that it will work.  I encourage you to make the same discovery!  Together we move forward to honor and serve the Lord, even if we feel a bit unqualified in the beginning.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.
On another note...Keep our mission team in prayer as they make a trip to Honduras this week.  Once again we take the ministry outside the walls of the church

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

How about a couple of reflections on the weekend?  We moved to our new time schedule this morning and most people seemed to remember.  We will be sorting out who attends which service in the next few weeks and see how it works.  We are off to a great start.
The new worship space is amazing.  One of my favorite comments came after church when one of our long time members commented on how clear the sound was and that she could hear everything well.  That's great.
We still need to work on that communion time if we are going to have a full house.  But everyone made it to the Table.
Our music is absolutely amazing.
The choir sounds super in the new space.  The praise team was amazing.  The Spirit was alive in worship.
The 5:00 Saturday and 8:00 am services were also very good.  Good response all weekend.  We seem to be an encouraged place.
Did I tell you the latest update on our finances?  We announced this weekend that we are currently at 5.4 million dollars for the IMPACT campaign!!!! That means when our three year commitments are fulfilled we will have the project paid for or at least very close.  This is a definite sign of God's moving in our church and what is taking place.
I want to thank everyone who has worked and prayed and given and served and the list goes on and one and on - for everything done.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.