Sunday, August 21, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Could I share an insight into pastoral ministry.  For the most part pastors are known as "preachers".  Most people see pastors in preaching mode more than any other.  But pastoral ministry is actually a life and death matter.  Pastor's are with people at the greatest times of joy.  They are there for births, baptisms and various steps in life.  We celebrate life.
On the other hand pastoral ministry is life and death.  We are present when people pass from here to eternity.
I am thinking of this today because I just learned that a friend of mine, Rev. Dave Hampson, passed away last evening after a lengthy battle with cancer.  I met Dave through Aldersgate Renewal Ministry.  We shared on the board together.  We encouraged one another when we taught workshops.  We shared conversations.  We would see one another once a year but I often thought of Dave.  He was in Kansas City one year and stayed with us.  He was one of the kindest and most dedicated Christians I know.
His passing causes me to think of the great privilege we pastors have of being with people in life and death.  With Dave there is a sense of loss as I continue to pray for Cathy and his family, but there is also a certain hope of heaven.  What an amazing gift of faith the Lord provides!
So I take a few moments today to think about my friend and some of the laughter we shared.  I think about the call of pastor and the awesome privilege of sharing life with a congregation.  I think of how impossible this task would be without the people of God who support, pray and encourage on a daily basis.  It is an awesome thing to share life as a pastor with the Church - the people of God.
It's still been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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