Sunday, October 11, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Third Grade Bibles. Today was the day we gave our third graders their Bibles. It is always a joy to hand out the Word of God and shake a young persons hand. They are such a great group. Week after week third graders comes to Sunday School. Their teachers and all those involved in Children's Ministry invest in their faith formation. Many of these kids are part of our Wednesday night program (WOW). They have been in Vacation Bible School. Through the years they have been in many classes. They have done crafts. They have served in different ways. They have played. They have shared refreshments. They have been part of the Church. Today we added an important ingredient to their life of faith. The Bible. I asked them to find the Gospel of Mark. Their assignment is to read Mark. I told them when they finish Mark 4 and read the Parable of the Sower to email me. (About half of our third graders have email addresses). Past experience tells me they will be reading and getting more and more acquainted with God's Word. I anticipate someday these third graders will be sharing the Word in Middle School and then in High School groups. These are the young people who one day will participate in and lead campus groups in college. These are some of those who will be witnesses in the workplace and encourage co-workers with the Scriptures. Seeds are being sown. The church plays a great role in the development of disciples of Jesus Christ. We pray, we serve, we give and we love children into the life of faith. It's been a great day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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