Sunday, October 25, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Today we were looking at Genesis 22. That is the story where God tells Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. I was looking at traditional and alternate interpretations of the text. I won't go into all that now. But I want to go back to the idea that we might focus on verse 11. This is the verse where just before Abraham goes through with sacrificing Isaac God intervenes. He stops Abraham from going though with the sacrifice. We generally focus on Abraham's response but here we look at God's action.
This is a significant moment in the story of redemption. Abraham is leading God's people. They will become a great nation. Later a new leader named Moses will arise. There will be ups and downs for the people of Israel. Prophets will come forward. Later God will come in Jesus Christ. Apostles will carry the message of the Gospel. Through history the faithful will continue the message and untold numbers will believe in Jesus Christ and continue the people of God initiated so long ago.
When God called out to Abraham I see him beginning a new way. The people where Abraham's people were going had many practices such as worshiping many gods, child sacrifice, sexualized religious practices and other things. When God says "stop" a new way is introduced. The people of God will be distinct from the cultures and nations of the world. They will not practice those acts the others took for granted. A new way is beginning.
When Moses brought the 10 Commandments they were counter to the practices of others. In a world with a multitude of gods the Lord says you shall have One God. In a world of idolatry there is a prohibition of graven images. The list goes on.
The people of God continue to this day. We may forget some of this but we still carry the distinctive mark of the people of God. The people of God live differently from the prevailing culture. We think different. We live different. We are different because Christ lives in us.
...Something to think about. We are the people of God. What does that mean to us?
On another note...
Today PWUMC held our Trunk or Treat at Chin Elementary School. We partnered with the school and were able to share with many who are not in our church. I thought it was a great witness. So proud of our Children's Ministry and whole church.
It's been a good day.
(Chiefs win?) - (Go Royals!)
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Today we were talking about faith and how it produces hope. Hope is an interesting word. Some time when you are with some friends ask how they define hope. If they are like many people today the definition will include words like "wish" and "desire". Frankly we have developed an understanding of hope as wishful thinking.
A Biblical understanding of hope is much different. The scriptures speak of our "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13). This refers to our hope of the appearing of Jesus Christ. In our Christian understanding hope is much more than wishes and desires, it is grounded in faith and is sure and certain.
I shared what I learned from Rev. Nanette Roberts who serves the UMC in Olathe, Kansas. The Indo-European, Hebrew and Greek root words end up being translated hope and the same root word leads to a word translated curve. The image emerges of a bend that changes direction and provides a new way. A change in perspective is always possible.
The bottom line is we can have a more informed definition of hope. Hope is a strong and confident expectation that change is likely to occur.
When faith rises and hope follows we may find ourselves having a strong and confident expectation that change is likely to occur. Feel free to apply that idea to your faith life, your relationships, your health, your finances or any circumstance in your life. We might also apply that idea to our hopes for our church, community, nation and world.
People of faith have been entrusted with something that is life changing and world changing. Faith produces hope and hope leads to a strong, confident expectation that change is likely to occur. God is likely to step into our lives and make a great change. God is likely to step into our lives and forgive us, redeem us and change our hearts. God is likely to move in the Church and bring forth a revival of faith that will rock the world. God is likely to get involved in the community, the nation and the world in a very redemptive way.
Let faith arise and hope follow. Live with a strong, confident expectation that God will move in your life. It is very likely to occur.
It's been a great day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Third Grade Bibles. Today was the day we gave our third graders their Bibles. It is always a joy to hand out the Word of God and shake a young persons hand. They are such a great group. Week after week third graders comes to Sunday School. Their teachers and all those involved in Children's Ministry invest in their faith formation. Many of these kids are part of our Wednesday night program (WOW). They have been in Vacation Bible School. Through the years they have been in many classes. They have done crafts. They have served in different ways. They have played. They have shared refreshments. They have been part of the Church.
Today we added an important ingredient to their life of faith. The Bible.
I asked them to find the Gospel of Mark. Their assignment is to read Mark. I told them when they finish Mark 4 and read the Parable of the Sower to email me. (About half of our third graders have email addresses). Past experience tells me they will be reading and getting more and more acquainted with God's Word.
I anticipate someday these third graders will be sharing the Word in Middle School and then in High School groups. These are the young people who one day will participate in and lead campus groups in college. These are some of those who will be witnesses in the workplace and encourage co-workers with the Scriptures. Seeds are being sown.
The church plays a great role in the development of disciples of Jesus Christ. We pray, we serve, we give and we love children into the life of faith.
It's been a great day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
I am thinking sports this afternoon. Here is a general principle for success. Be in the right place and do the right thing. This is especially true when playing defense. I would say that over half the battle is simply being in the right place. At least then you are in the way! (I watched the Chiefs game and they prove my point. Seldom did they appear to be in the right place).
We watch defensive placements in baseball that seek to put people in the right place to make a play.
Once in the right place it becomes important to do the right thing. From experience I know what it is like to be in the right position and then miss a tackle. But it is much easier to do the right thing when you are in the right place. There are examples of people making super plays even though out of position. But that is not common.
Be in the right place and do the right thing. That makes for success.
Let me put this in a spiritual perspective. It is important to be in the right place spiritually. Be "in"Christ. That means it starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ. We accept Christ and the Lord then "lives in us". We are in the right place by the grace of God.
From our position in Christ we are empowered to do the right things. This is when we are best able to "love mercy, do justice and walk humbly with our God."
It is evident that people without a relationship with Christ do good and accomplish some important things. But in my analogy it takes some extraordinary actions when doing good work in our own power.
In Christ we have the power of the Holy Spirit to empower us to do mercy and justice. In Christ we have the power to witness for Christ and point others to His love. When in the right place (in Christ) we are best equipped to do the right things.
On another note...
Tomorrow (Monday) we host a blood drive at church. We are open from 2-7. It is a great way to serve and make a difference. Remember (from the announcement today) that those who sign up become eligible to take home a pie from Corner Cafe.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
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