Sunday, January 4, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we spent some time thinking about 2 types of people: The NONES and the DONES. These are people who represent a portion of the 40,000 plus people who live in our immediate area that are not part of a faith community. NONES are those who have never been baptized, do not have a church background, did not go to Sunday School or Bible School, or those who have left a childhood faith and now check the "No Preference" box on a religious survey. NONES. The DONES are those who have been faithful in church attendance. They have served in many ways. They give. Then one day they decide "I'm Done!" Both types of individuals present challenges to the church. It is clear that for the church to continue to do "business as usual" will not help the NONES move past the barriers that keep them from full participation in a faith community. Clearly "business as usual" has contributed to DONES. We can spend time developing strategy and plans. We could bombard people with all sorts of messages. But there is one thing we (the church) have to offer that is unique. We offer grace. I am sharing from Phillip Yancey's book, "Vanishing Grace: Whatever Happened to the Good News?" Could it be that the church has resorted to "standards", "expectations", "accountability" and "rules" and seen grace slowly vanish? We begin a new year and today I offer you GRACE. This is the free gift of God revealed in Jesus Christ. This year we anticipate the emergence of grace in our church and in our lives. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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