Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I may have made a strategic error. While taking some time away from preaching I asked our "young communicators" to preach. Today Charles Smith brought the message and did an outstanding job. It was not just the "youth guy" teaching the congregation about social media. It was a timely word that lifts burdens from hearts and replaces anxiety with joy. Great job Charles! It says something about the staff PWC is assembling. We have high quality people filling the various positions in our church. I feel somewhat like Andy Stanley who I heard speaking about the high quality of the staff at the church he started and saying he didn't think he could get a job there! I am getting to that point! Truly one of the best parts of being pastor of PWUMC is the daily interaction and work with our staff. I try to surround myself with people who know more than I do. I am definitely not the expert in youth or children's ministry! I try to identify the things I do best and spend the majority of time and energy in those areas. I deeply appreciate various perspectives and encourage those around me to give their best ideas. I seek to encourage our staff as well as maintain accountability. I love to laugh with our staff. There are times when we share burdens. I totally appreciate our staff. On another note... Happy Mother's Day - to everyone who fills the role. In a bit Cindy and I will take my mom and dad to our son-in-laws parents (are you keeping all this straight?) for Mother's Day dinner. It's been a good day. I truly hope you've had a good day too. steve

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