Sunday, May 25, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
I got to pick up in our "#" series. Frankly not too many years ago (and some of us still) looked at that symbol and thought "number sign"or 'lb". But now it stands for "hashtag." Clearly the pace of change touches many areas of life and communication.
Anyway today it was #pwcAllin. That is "All in" as in totally committed.
It continues to strike me how many of us have faith stories to share. Your experience of Christ is very meaningful to you and I assure you it will be very meaningful to someone else. Your experience of Christ and relationship with God is totally relevant to your life and I assure you it will be totally relevant to another. You are truly engaged with the Lord and your witness will be used to engage another in the life of grace. You need not reach all but you may certainly reach some.
We use the idea of twitter because it shows how an idea or message "trends" in many directions and to many people even all over the world. Such is the message of the Gospel. As you share your story the Gospel "trends" to others and bears fruit.
So don't forget #pwcAllin God's grace is for all through faith in Jesus Christ.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
It has been nice to have a couple of weeks off. This week Cindy and I got to go to three Royals games. Believe it or not they won all three times. Today was the Royals salute to the Negro League. The teams wore "throw back" uniforms. KC was dressed in Monarch uniforms. The fans even got into the act. This was "dressed to the nines" day. Back when the Monarchs played in Kansas City they were extremely popular with the whole town but especially the Black Community. Preacher's would move Sunday services up an hour so the people would be out in time to get to the baseball game. They went straight from church to the ballpark and would be dressed in their Sunday best. Today many remembered those days and the great ball players of that era by dressing up and enjoying Kansa City baseball.
Times have changed. The Negro League is not more. But today baseball is a fully integrated game. Sounds like a good trade to me. Opportunity is extended to many more people than in the days of baseball's Negro League. This is a change that is for the best.
Today people do not arrange their Sunday's around church schedules. This trend is not so good. Believe me if it would help I would encourage us to have services at times to make it possible for people to worship and get to the game. Oh, we already do that.
So the times have changed. But there is still much joy to be found. There is joy in remembering the great baseball players of the Negro league. There is joy in watching a ball game on a perfect afternoon! There is joy in worship. Above all, there is joy in the Lord.
I hope you find more and more ways to experience the joy of the Lord this week.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
I may have made a strategic error. While taking some time away from preaching I asked our "young communicators" to preach. Today Charles Smith brought the message and did an outstanding job. It was not just the "youth guy" teaching the congregation about social media. It was a timely word that lifts burdens from hearts and replaces anxiety with joy. Great job Charles!
It says something about the staff PWC is assembling. We have high quality people filling the various positions in our church. I feel somewhat like Andy Stanley who I heard speaking about the high quality of the staff at the church he started and saying he didn't think he could get a job there! I am getting to that point!
Truly one of the best parts of being pastor of PWUMC is the daily interaction and work with our staff. I try to surround myself with people who know more than I do. I am definitely not the expert in youth or children's ministry! I try to identify the things I do best and spend the majority of time and energy in those areas. I deeply appreciate various perspectives and encourage those around me to give their best ideas. I seek to encourage our staff as well as maintain accountability. I love to laugh with our staff. There are times when we share burdens. I totally appreciate our staff.
On another note...
Happy Mother's Day - to everyone who fills the role. In a bit Cindy and I will take my mom and dad to our son-in-laws parents (are you keeping all this straight?) for Mother's Day dinner.
It's been a good day. I truly hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
When I was a kid I used to listen to the Kansas City A's on my transistor radio. I listened night after night. I did not ever want to miss a game since the A's would only win 2 or 3 games a week all summer long. I did not want to ever miss it when they won!
I could continue this line of thought and report that I am now watching the K.C. Royals on my nice TV as they continue to be non-competitive this weekend. But I won't go there.
I will note something else I want to do regularly because I don't want to miss the latest "win."
I have been preaching most weekends since the first part of the year. In these days "post Easter" it seems like a great time to step back and let you be blessed by our "young communicators!" So today I was not preaching. On Sunday's like this I often visit another church. It is always good to get new ideas and see how others do things. I was thinking about where I would like to worship today but kept coming back to my favorite church. I wanted to hear Curtis launch our new message series today. #pwcsharpening got things started.
Maybe I was just ready to hear from the Lord today but I thought things were great. I just didn't want to miss something really good. And I didn't.
#pwcsharpening - do you have 2 or 3 friends who you could tell anything to and not be judged?
#pwcsharpening - if you are not being sharpened you are getting dull
#pwcsharpening - what sharpens you
I trust many of you felt "sharpened" today. In case you are thinking about other ways to get sharpened...Pray - Bible - worship - witness - share
It's bent a good day. -- Royals just got their first hit!
I hope you've had a good day too.
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