Sunday, February 24, 2013
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Random thoughts today...
I was blessed by Pastor Ginger's message today. It is absolutely true that the seasons of life pass quickly. New resolve to experience each chapter to the full.
Why can't the MU Tigers finish a game at the end. The difference between a decent season and a great one comes down to finishing well. In 5 losses this season Mizzou has been in position to win in the final minute but failed to do so. The difference in a record of 19-8 is much different than 24-3 which is what they would have if they always finished well. Four games to go so who knows. But don't blink! Finish well.
Looks like another round of snow this week. Pastor Curtis helped put it in perspective. We DO need the moisture. But why not just snow in lakes, streams, ponds and fields instead of city streets - and my driveway? Guess it doesn't work that way. Just stay safe.
It is great being able to share with various Sunday School classes this month. I don't have much opportunity to do so. Enjoying sharing vision 2013.
How to listen to a sermon: I shared a thought on that this morning. Ginger - all the pastors I know - spend hours in prayer and preparation to bring a Word from the Lord each week. If you want to listen better make it a practice to pray to hear from the Lord. You probably don't need hours, just a breath - God, may I hear your Word today. Great potential.
I was driving home from my folks in Appleton City yesterday. Travelling along Highway 52 I noticed a lady walking toward her mailbox and she slipped and fell. I tried to watch the rearview mirror but wasn't sure if she got up or not. I told Cindy a lady fell. Then turned into a driveway and went back to make sure she got up. I would have felt pretty bad if something would have happened. Anyway when we got back she was back in her house. I suppose all was well. Then I looked for a place to turn around and continue on. I pulled into a farm drive and got stuck! But it wasn't too bad. Pulled up a little and gave it the gas and was back on track. What do you make of that?
One more thing. Academy Awards tonight. We have members who have seen all movies and could make a very educated prediction on the winners. Personally - I haven't seen any of them. Not much of a movie guy (at least not good, critically acclaimed movies). But enjoy.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Cindy and I made a quick trip to the hometown this afternoon. Mom and Dad are preparing to move into an assisted living place in Appleton City. We wanted to go down and see their new place.
They will be living among familiar people who are already looking forward to them joining their community. We are so thankful for a place where they can enjoy themselves and not have anything to worry about. I still expect the folks at the restaurant will see plenty of them even though meals are included in their new place.
I have to say my hometown is an amazing place. Dad was in business there for over 40 years. Mom must have taught everyone in town at some time. They are fixtures in A.C.
I can't begin to express how grateful we all are for the way people care for my folks. They stop in to visit. They offer to take them places. They look in on them and make sure things are ok. It is a real source of comfort knowing that so many help our family.
In a very real way this is what the church is like. We care for each other. We help. We serve. We make sure. I recognize so many of the characteristics of my hometown in our church. You are a true blessing with whom to share life. Community in a Christian sense is a wonderful thing.
When we left this afternoon we got together and said a little prayer. I am sure my mom and dad will bring even more light to a great place and that God will bless them greatly in this new step of life. Just like God will do with each of us as we continue to trust in Him.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Reflections From Sunday Evening
This Wednesday we begin the season in the Church year called Lent. This is traditionally a time of introspection, self-examination and repentance. This is a time people consider their own mortality. Dust to dust and ashes to ashes. As we were created from the dust of the earth so we return.
Frankly that does not sound really exciting does it? Still the season of Lent serves to prepare us for Easter and our new life in the risen Lord Jesus.
During Lent we often choose to practice a form of self-denial. Consider something you might "give up" for Lent. The purpose of this is to practice self-discipline.
Another practice for the season of Lent might be to "take up" a new practice or devotion.
Basically we are invited to take this time until Easter to be intentional about Christian discipleship, devotion and growth.
We will begin the season this Wednesday with our Ash Wednesday services. The first will be at 6:30 a.m. Come on your way to work or school and reflect, receive the sign of the ashes and holy communion. We will also have a service at 7:00 p.m. offering the same graces.
Together we are invited to walk the way of Christ during this season of Lent.
I hope to see you Wednesday.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Reflections From Sunday Evening
We are working through a message series called "The Power of Habit." We have been looking at ways to change bad habits and create new ones. We have learned a person cannot extinguish a bad habit, only change it. We have further discovered that it is possible to develop new patterns, or habits, in life. A huge point revolves around the need to believe that change is possible.
We have pointed out that even if someone was not interested in Christianity they could still gain from the book and messages. A person can develop new patterns (habits) in life and make life better. We are able to do things that will make us better people.
But I have tried to be pretty clear about including another dimension. I am inviting people to look at the Power of Habit through a spiritual lens. Those who seek to follow Jesus Christ need not settle for behvior modification. We are invited to place ourselves in the presences of God and through the work of the Holy Spirit may experience not only changes in behavior but a transformed life.
Frankly to consider the Christian life any less than transforming sells the whole thing short. Yet we often fail to grasp the possibilities the Gospel presents.
Kendra Creasy Dean is a teacher of youth ministry. She wrote a book titled "Almost Christian." The basic theme of her work is that youth (taking their cue from parents and other people of influence) adhere to "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism."
It is not only young people who think of the faith in these terms.
Many people believe the faith is meant to give us some tools to make us a little better than we might be without it. Often a bigger concerns from parents is that the faith will help their kids be a little better so as not to embarrass them. That is the Moral part.
The Therapeutic part means we consider God's purpose making us happy. The Deism part indicates God is a distant being who is suppossed to come around when we need help for something.
It seems to me this is a far cry from Biblical Christianity. I truly beleive that following Jesus is much more than another self-help technique. Following Jesus means more than making us a little better (moral) than we used to be. Following Jesus will never reduce God to one responsible for making us happy. Following Jesus will not allow us to keep God at a distance useful only for times when we get in trouble.
So back to The Power of Habit. It is not merely self-improvement. It is not merely behavior modification.
The Power of Habit reminds us we may develop patterns, habits, that when trusted to the risen, living Lord Jesus Christ, will transform our lives.
There is one more message in the series. Next week we wrap it up. The Power of Habit will make you more fruitful!
It's been a good day. (Now for the Super Bowl). I hope you've had a good day too.
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