Sunday, June 24, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Cindy and I were blessed to share lunch with Walter, Julie Bryant and family after church. Happy Birthday Walter! Today we talked about finding our character developed so we may be trusted with a vital spiritual experience. (see story about old time Methodist preacher Clovis Chappell.) That type of spiritual experience has the potential of causing Jesus to be preemminent in our lives. (that too from clovis chappell story) In many people Jesus is present; in some Jesus is prominent; is a few Jesus is preeminent. To check where we are we could take the "Mordecai test." Mordecai is a central character in the book of Esther. When all is said and done Mordecai rises to power and influence. The scripture says the reason for this is "because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews. (Esther 10:3) So here is the test of the preeminence of Jesus in our life. Are we working for the good of others and speaking up for those without a voice? It's been a good day. (although pretty hot) I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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