Sunday, January 1, 2012

Relfections From New Year's Day - 2012 - Books

Here is what I've been reading this year.
I try to read some "fun" books. This year I read a Tom Clancy novel. (I jsut got a new one so I'll probably enjoy another this year.) I also read a couple of Stephen Lawhead novels (Scence Fiction) - "Skin Map" & "The Bone House."
Some of the business/leadership books this year include:
"Drive" by Daniel Pink; "Switch" by Heath & Heath; and "Managing Transitions" by William Bridges. A recurring theme highlights emerging styles of leadership, ie. lead with encouragement, responsibility and trust rather than "sticks & carrots."
A very enjoyable read was "Golf's Sacred Journey." It also became a movie - Seven Days in Utopia. Inspiring.
Books like "Radical"by David Platt, "Bearing Fruit" by Lovett Weems; "Veneer" by Willard & Lacy; "Weird" by Craig Groeschel provide new insights for ministry and living the faith.
A book by Kenda Creasy Dean, "Almost Christian" is very enlightening. You will hear me talk about faith being much more than 'moral, therapuetic deism.'
"You Lost Me" by Kinnaman gives insight into what young adults who grew up in the faith but have left the church teach us.
I just finished "American Saint" by Wigger. This is the story of Francis Asbury and the rise of American Methodism. I found it to be an amazing story and very inspiring.
There were others but these stand out.
I've learned a lot this year and look forward to new discoveries in 2012.
The new year is off to a good start. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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