Sunday, June 19, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I have a friend who is pastor of a very contemporary church. They effectively use screens in worship and other forms of media to enhance their services. Needless to say they do not use traditional hymnals in their worship.

One day my friend was participating with other clergy at a special service and they stood to sing opening their hymnals. Someone turned to my friend and pointed out the obvious. "This is a hymnal. It contains the words and music to the songs we sing."

My friend was quick to reply: "I know. I've seen them before ... in a museum."

It was all good-natured but it does point out the vast changes and rapid pace of change we experience in worship.

This month we are turning to the hymnal (not singing out of it but using it for a point of reference). We are working with the message contained in the hymns of our faith. In early days of Methodism the hymn book was the "theology" book where Christians found their faith formed. Of course their hymnals would fit in their coat pocket.

We continue to seek ways to form our faith. The music of the church helps us with our understanding of God.

Today we looked at the theme of "JOY." Our hymn was "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee." Here is the basic message. When we "trust" the Lord and Christ dwells in our hearts we are being formed spiritually. A key formation comes through the fruits of the Spirit, one of which is joy.
On a foundation of trust in Christ the characteristic of joy is fashioned. When joy becomes our passion we find our mission. This makes us people extending the hope of Christ into our world.
All that from a hymn!

Join me as we continue to allow the Lord to form our faith through all means at God's disposal - even something as traditional as a hymnal.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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