Sunday, February 27, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we talked about renewing our minds which is an important part of experiencing the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. So.... what you think determines what you do and what you do determines character.
Given to ourselves we will discover that our natural thoughts are "impaired." So we need God's grace to renew our mind. With God at work we may experience the "mind of Christ."
What we think determines what we do. Good "inputs" will produce good "outcomes." These outcomes represent the life of grace.
What we do (good outcomes) develops character - more particularly - Christian character.
That was the idea. God is at work transforming our lives through the renewal of our minds.
What will you put in your mind this week? What if we looked for things that are excellent and praiseworthy?
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This week we continue our work on the Healthy Church Initiative. (HCI) Our coach, Doug Anderson will be with us for a variety of meetings wednesday and thursday. He will spend time with me, with our staff, with our lay leadership team and other groups. On thursday he will lead us (congregation) in an evening of "envisioning."
We find ourselves in the midst of a significant number of people who are not regular participants in a church. This community within the community represent those we believe God calls us to intentionally reach out to. This week we should have a clear idea of the nature of our "mission field" and the way we believe God is calling us to reach forth in the name of Christ.
We have some great advantages. We have first time guests visit our church every week. We offer a wide range of opportunities that people appreciate. There are many people who live life like the rest of us who will continue to come to our church and find grace.
But there are also many people who don't necessarily shop where we shop and live like we live. There are younger adults whose world is different from ours. There are people who simply see the world through a different lens than those of us who have made the church a significant part of our lives.
We are called to live and share the gospel with those who have yet to find it meaningful and relevant. So we have a challenge. How do we share Christ with integrity and relevance? This is what we are seeking to discover through HCI. I hope you will join me in a commitment to extending the love of Christ.
It's been a good day. Worship this weekend was great. I feel blessed this day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A warm day after bitter cold, ice and snow certainly puts people in a good mood! Good crowds this weekend. Great worship. (Thanks to Scott McDonald for filling in on the keyboard at 9:30 today. Great job.) There was laughter. There was great fellowship. Good conversation. We had a picture of the joy the Church brings.

We are in a message series called AFTER YOU BELIEVE. The series is based on a book by New Testament scholar and bishop N. T. Wright. Hopefully we are getting it established that after we make a commitment to Christ - Believe - there is more to come. Today we talked about developing character - specifically Christian character - as we continue the ongoing life of grace. Character development leads to a Transformed life all in the context of following Jesus Christ.

On another note we are praying for three of our leaders as they have joined others from diferent churches on a mission trip to Mexico.

On yet another note - it would be a good idea to remember that tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Take the moment to say "I love you."

On yet another note - It's been a great day. My mom and dad are here for the weekend. We had our whole family here today for lunch. Enjoying a visit with my dad when we wake up from our naps!

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reflections From Sunday (Super Bowl) Evening

I remember the first Super Bowl. Sat down and watched the K.C. Chiefs play Green Bay. It seemed like a pretty neat deal at the time. Chiefs gave them a decent game for the first half before the Packers pulled away and won easily. It was the NFL - AFL Championship Game - soon it would be renamed the "Super Bowl." It's turned into a pretty big deal.

I remember some other things - I remember my grandparents - I remember friends and teachers from school days - I remember getting baptized, confirmed and joining the church -
Frankly the Super Bowl has gotten to be a bigger deal than me being baptized - or is it?
We can look all around us and see huge events every day. We may marvel at the interest in two football teams getting together and playing a game. But are these events really "bigger" than a person coming to Christ? Are these memories greater than those of family and friends?
100,000 may cheer at the Super Bowl today - when a person comes to Christ the angels in heaven rejoice.

Two teams will meet and compete for the prize - Our team (the Church) goes out every day to 'compete' for the hearts and souls of people.

By tonight one team will be a "winner" and the other will be relegated to the "team that got beat" status - Through faith in Jesus Christ we get to join the eternally "winning" team.
On this "Super Sunday" I hope some memories will be created. I pray something significant happens in your life today and that it makes the Super Bowl look like everyday stuff.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.