Sunday, June 13, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Played golf in the church tournament this afternoon. Reminds me why I stopped playing! Thanks to Robbie, Curtis and Del I came in on a pretty good team! At least we were a little under par.
We did use my shot a time or two. I actually made a putt and had a couple of shots that helped out. But by the end I couldn't even hit the crazy ball!
The interesting thing about this - to me - is that I used to play golf regularly. I was never very good but good enough to play and have fun. But over time I played less regularly and now I play once a year. I"m not very good and frankly does not make me want to come hurrying back for more.
But we did laugh a lot (mostly AT me). The fellowship was great.
This all has me thinking. How many people do you know who have a similar experience with the life of grace and church? Used to go to church regularly - went to Bible Study - taught a Sunday School class - Helped with vacation bible school - a regular participant in the church.
Then something happened. A move took place and never got attached to a church in the new place. Somebody said something and a person decided not to go back. For who knows how many reasons people who were once very active and involved in the life of faith just don't find meaning anymore.
It begins by being out of town for three weeks and then deciding to do something with the family the next week. Before long a person who once contributed greatly to the spiritual development of others drags themselves to church on Easter or maybe Christmas Eve.
Now if I were going to begin playing golf regularly once again I would have to do a few things. It would be a great idea to take a couple of lessons. (I'm not sure I know how to grip the club anymore.) I would go out and be sure to practice until I became more consistent in striking the ball. I would get with a group of friends and play regularly. I know from past experience how much enjoyment that can bring.
The same thing holds true for the life of grace. Returning to the faith from which one has been absent for a season calls for the same thing re-starting golf calls for - commitment.
I'm not going to do the golf thing - takes too much time away from other things that I deem very important at this time in my life - primarily giving leadership to the spiritual lives of many, many people!
But our spiritual life and our use of leisure time are two very different things. I believe when a person re-ups with the life of faith a revitalized spirituality ensues. I'd love for people to make this discovery this week.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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