Sunday, April 18, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It's been a really good day. This weekend our church hosted the women's Walk to Emmaus. Cindy and I were each on the team that had the opportunity to share the life of grace with others.
The Emmaus Movement stems from the Catholic Cursillo experience. It is a great weekend retreat where thousands of people have experienced a deeper spirituality. Emmaus is actually very Wesleyan and is centered at the Upper Room in Nashville. So Emmaus is United Methodist yet very ecumenical. We were able to spend the weekend sharing life in grace.
Not only was this going on but of course we gathered for worship and experienced the presence of the Lord. We are getting ready for our Faith in Action Weekend on May 1-2. Watch the enews and other church communications to learn the specific details of our "service weekend."
It's been a good day. Tomorrow I will be spending time with a number of pastors who serve some of our larger congregations in Missouri Methodism. This is always a good time to share some of our "best practices" with one another and enjoy conversation and fellowship with friends.
I hope you've had a good day.

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