Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We gathered to worship this weekend and were all reminded that next weekend is "Faith in Action" weekend. Next Saturday and Sunday we will designate times from 9-12 and 1-4 on Saturday for service projects. We will repeat the activities on Sunday. From 9-12 and 1-4 we will put our faith to work through a variety of service projects in our community. We invite you to choose a time frame and offer yourself in service.
We gather to worship week after week and sing praise to the Lord - pray - hear the Word of God read and proclaimed - We gather for Sunday School classes and small groups. Many of us have done this for years. Through all these experiences we have been being formed by the Lord.
Next weekend we will take our spiritual lives that have been molded by God outside the sanctuary and into the world. We go in the name and Spirit of Jesus. We go to take the love of Christ to the world. I believe when we go to serve we will meet Christ in the lives of those served. We will be met by the risen Lord as we step forward. We have life changing possibilities before us.
We are inviting you to join us for 3 hours next weekend to serve. Following our service opportunities we will all gather at 4:30 at Park Hill South High School to worship.
The three hours you give to serve others will make a difference in your life. The three hours you give to serve others has life changing possibilities.
Three hours - Three hours out of your day, your weekend, your week. Three hours out of a lifetime that can change your life and change the world.
My prayer is that by engaging in service opportunitites we find ourselves developing service lifestyles!
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It's been a really good day. This weekend our church hosted the women's Walk to Emmaus. Cindy and I were each on the team that had the opportunity to share the life of grace with others.
The Emmaus Movement stems from the Catholic Cursillo experience. It is a great weekend retreat where thousands of people have experienced a deeper spirituality. Emmaus is actually very Wesleyan and is centered at the Upper Room in Nashville. So Emmaus is United Methodist yet very ecumenical. We were able to spend the weekend sharing life in grace.
Not only was this going on but of course we gathered for worship and experienced the presence of the Lord. We are getting ready for our Faith in Action Weekend on May 1-2. Watch the enews and other church communications to learn the specific details of our "service weekend."
It's been a good day. Tomorrow I will be spending time with a number of pastors who serve some of our larger congregations in Missouri Methodism. This is always a good time to share some of our "best practices" with one another and enjoy conversation and fellowship with friends.
I hope you've had a good day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Master's -- exciting golf
Royals Baseball -- not so exciting
Perfect weather -- thankful for spring
Great worship services this weekend -- thanks Angie for starting off the "Faith in Action" series so powerfully
A church full of Emmaus participants -- lives being changed
Great worship attendance in this "post-Easter" season
I could go on about the ways God is at work among us -- but one thing I want to emphasize -- Confirmation!
Today we baptized 12 young people
We confirmed 53 young people in their Christian faith and received them into the church.
I have special feelings for Confirmation Sunday. I don't remember the first class I worked with. However there are a number of confirmation classes that stand out. When I had the joy of starting a new church we confirmed three in our first class. I remember Shawn, Mark and Tammy. As a matter of fact I heard (via Facebook) from Tammy this week.
At the same church there was the class with around 30 young people - our son Bobby was one of them. It was memorable to confirm my son and receive him into the life of the Church.
When it came time for our daughter Andrea to be confirmed Bishop Ann Sherer came and confirmed her class and received them into the church. That was pretty special -- to work with my bishop in confirming our daughter.
There have been many groups of young people I have worked with - usually along with youth directors and associate pastors - and been able to confirm them in the faith and fellowship of all true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Today was a memorable Confirmation Sunday. It was a large group but more importantly there seemed to be a connection. It seems that Roy and Rachel have done a great job working with these young people this year. It is a joy to watch parents stand with their child and place their hands on their shoulders. It is a group I pray will experience many blessings from God in the days and years ahead.
Today I prayed for this class - that they would go forth and grow in the love and grace of God -- that God would be present in times of trial -- that God be present in times of joy -- that God call some of these to ministry -- that all go forth to know the Lord and serve him.
It's been a great day. Even as I watch the back nine of the Master's - it cannot compare to the experience of young people confessing their faith in Jesus Christ and moving forward into all the possibilities of the life of grace that awaits them.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

They were looking in the right place but Jesus was not to be found among the dead. He is risen! He is not here! What a great message to incrrease our hope and deepen our faith. Today was a great day at church. Blessings on everyone who made this a meaningful moment in the presence of God.
We introduced our Faith in Action month and reminded everyone that on May 1-2 we will "take it to the streets" and serve Christ through ministries of service directed toward others. There will be a multitude of opportunities for everyone to give 3 hours or more during the weekend.
One service opportunity will be preparing meal packets. Numanna is the organization we will work with to provide meals for people in Haiti. Today we announced our goal of 285,000 meals. Together we can do this. The cost is $90,000. We entered the day with half that amount in hand and I look forward to seeing what our special offering provides. Again, together we can do this. If you have yet to participate consider yourself invited to do so in the coming days.
Today we were giving each family a food packet. I hope you will use this sometime in the next few days. Most of us had a special Easter dinner today - so it probably won't hurt to eat light this week. I would especially encourage you to have a meal of the Numanna food if you have children at home. The purpose of this is to help us become more aware of hunger in the world. When we eat this simple meal we will probably think it is barely adequate. The same meal will be received with joy and appreciation by hungry people in Haiti. I pray it help us stand in solidarity with the hungry and identify with those in need. Our intent is that the meal packet be a learning opportunity for you and an encouragement to participate in the service project and faith in action.
It's been a very good day. Cindy and I both have our families with us. Enjoying the afternoon after a great day at church. I hope you've had a good day too.