Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today two boys sought me out and gave me a Valentine's chocolate kiss! Thanks for looking me up and sharing. With one we have a little secret. I told you I was going to eat it when Curtis started preaching.
Last night after church another boy had something to tell me. His story - I accepted the Lord this week. I told him that was the best news I'd heard all week! And it was.
That gives you an idea of what goes on at church. Children giving - accepted the Lord - smiles.
I did some other things this weekend. Sue Nilson-Kibbey is the executive pastor at Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City, Ohio. It is a large, dynamic, pace-setting church. Sue was with us this weekend to meet with our staff on friday evening. She then shared with our staff and some of our lay leadership. Her message was encouraging (to me) and challenging.
Yesterday Sue and Bishop Schnase led a workshop on "Staffing for Excellence." Clergy and members of Staff Parish Relations Committees from over 10 area churches came and shared in the day of teaching. It was an amazingly relevant workshop. It was such a blessing to share with other churches.
This is all part of helping us move from the level of church life we are currently experiencing to the next level we pray God creates. As we continue to move into God's future some things may be anticipated. Participation will increase as we become more intentional about extending the mission of the church (to build an outwardly focused Christian community of full participants in the life of grace) into the world. We will become more and more known as the church that expresses acts of kindness, mercy, compassion and service. We will be the church that extends invitation to Christ in many creative manners. Participation in worship, learning, serving, giving and sharing the faith will increase.
Two others things to note about this. Some of this participation will come in the lives of current members but that will probably be a small part of what God is doing. I pray for spiritual renewal among us and trust the Lord will touch many lives with a fresh breath of grace. But most of the change will come from new people who are not carbon copies of us. I believe we will be more than willing to join in the work of God as we continue to move forward in the life of grace.

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