Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It's been a good day. Shortly after church I shared in a discipleship project with a seminary student. It was a good learning experience. How cool.
Our worship services today were true blessings. I am so thankful for everyone who shares in planning and serving each weekend.
I shared a little poem in the message today. In case you missed it ....
"He's a pretty good duck for the shape he's in;
But he's not the duck he could have been."
A preacher of another generation, Dr. Charles Allen, used that. He did so in the context of the story about the wild duck who landed in the barnyard one day. He quickly got used to it. It was not as exciting as flying but it was much easier. Somebody fed him. He enjoyed the company of other ducks. He liked the tame ducks. You could say he was quickly domesticated.
When the seasons began to change he sensed wild ducks flying overhead. He wanted to join them but when he tried to fly he was no longer able to do so. He was not in shape for flying. He'd forgot what it took.
"He's not a bad duck for the shape he's in; but he's not the duck he could have been."
The application for our Christian life is this: We are called to follow Jesus and he leads us to be part of a vital Christian community. The danger of community comes when we settle in and allow ourselves to become "tame" Christians. When the moment comes to soar we are unable. This is why we seek to build an "outwardly focused" Christian community. It is our best chance to be the church and be the disciples of Jesus Christ we might be.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day. Now I'm turning my attention to some conference board of ordained ministry business. Tomorrow we interview Curtis and Angie Olsen. I'm counting on tomorrow being a good day also!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well one team is in the Super Bowl. The Colts fended off the Pesky J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets. Now we will see if the Saints or Vikings will join them in the big game.
While the football game was fun to watch the best part of my day was church this morning. It was just alive with the Spirit. I just cannot say enough about the music. It is inspiring, uplifting and relevant. Each service offers music that truly puts me in touch with God. The Psalmist says, "God inhabits the praises of His people." Absolutely true.
An insight from our scripture keeps encouraging me. The text in Rev. 21:1-5 includes the phrase, "and there was no more sea." In the ancient world the sea represented chaos and fear. It was the place where monstors lived. In Revelation the sea is the place from where the Beast arises to combat.
The Beast represents all that would align itself against God, God's people and God's purposes.
The good news is that "there is no more sea." The vision of life that God holds out for us to glimpse, pursue and experience is one of fullness and abundance. That is good news. Furthermore, you are invited.
I'll guess I watch this next football game. It could be a good one - exciting. But it really can't beat spending time with the Living God.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The earthquake in Haiti has produced unimaginable suffering. It is beyond my comprehension to think of 40,000 bodies buried and another 100,000 to go. And still searching for and finding even I would encourage you to use our UM means - UMCOR and the Advance. The information is on our website, the UM website and was also printed in our church bullentin today. We will certainly assist you in seeing to it that all funds designated to support those effected by the tragedy receive the money in a timely fashion.
There is another point to find in this event. We often glamorize mission trips. It is a very meaningful thing to go to another part of the world and serve others. We generally go to much poorer places than we are accustomed to. This earthquake in Haiti serves to remind us that mission is "risk-taking." Everyday people literally lay their life on the line in mission and service to others. Recently we have seen some of these followers of Christ give their life in the hope they may make a difference in the world and in the lives of others.
Maybe this will shed some light on things Jesus said - like "take up your cross daily and follow me," "the one who seeks to save their life will lose it and the one who gives it up will find it." I hope we get the idea. This way of Christ, the Christian life, the life of grace is meant to be a life lived and given for Christ and others.
Thankfully most of us are not called to actually give our life but we are all called to follow Jesus. I plan to be at church this week with renewed commitment to the cause of Christ. I invite you to reflect on these events and how we may hear the voice of Christ in the cries of the poor and suffering. May God open a new path for us to follow and give renewed grace to transform our lives.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today's church attendance was better but we are still struggling with bitterly cold weather and slick streets. I know one of these days everyone is going to get out and we'll fill the place. But in spite of this things are going well.
We ended 2009 with an average attendance of about the same as the previous year.
We ended the year on sound financial footing.
Even though our attendance was off by 30% on Christmas Eve our offering slightly exceeded last year's. This Christmas Eve offering goes to assist those in need who come our way.
All this positions us to continue to make a significant difference in the lives of people and in our community.
Let me say a word about our ministry of assisting others. Hardly a day passes that someone does not contact the church seeking some form of tangible aid. People need food - we are able to provide food vouchers to help with groceries. People need a tank of gasoline - we are able to provide a gas voucher to help people get back and forth to work.
Frankly most of the people who call us are not affliated with PWUMC. We help. But we inform people that this is a "one time" thing.
We want to guarantee that when one of our members share a need wth us we are able to help meet it. In this economy one month's rent can make the difference for a family. A car repair could set someone back in terrible ways. Assistance with a utility can help keep a home warm.
In addition to our personal contacts we also provide funds to an organization in the Northland that is able to screen requests and see to it that the funds made available are best used for the glory of God.
We also are looking at the possibility of helping support a feeding program in an ethnic church.
All this is possible because a number of people at PWUMC have responded to the call to extravagant generosity. You are making a difference in lives.
So when I come home and consider worship attendance was not a great as I'd like I have this moment of realization. We are not merely a church of on-lookers - we are a congregation - a Christian community - in mission. I sense our kingdom influence continues to expand. It makes for a good day. I hope you've had a good day and somewhere along the line experienced the presence of God.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Snow - Flurries - More Snow - More Flurries - Snow pack road in front of the church - Parking Lot was good! - Snow on the driveway - Cold -
But ...... The people of God gathered and we had church today. As always the music was great - Thanks Leslie for "Ain't no mountain high enough!" Sounded great and set our context for the "Mountain Destination" sermon. Mountain top experiences are to be cherished - but we don't live on the mountain top forever. I invite you to consider the lessons you have learned from those times in life when God seemed most real and vital. These are the experiences and seasons of lfie that equip us to go back down the mountain and re-engage in the world.
I appreciate Ginger introducing the Wesley Covenant Prayer this morning. We will continue to use this prayer through the month. It's a great prayer and will change your lfie! Look for it in print (or find it in the UM Hymnal) next week.
It's been a good day. Enjoy the snow - looks like more coming this week. But soon the sun will be shining and air warm. Such is the work of God in our world.