Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Christmas Eve - Christmas Day - The Sunday after Christmas -- this has been a busy few days. The blizzard on Christmas Eve didn't help much but even snow, ice and wind is no match for Jesus!
I have seen people in our church during the last few days who came for the first time. There are some I know from other settings who I saw in worship.
I've got to believe many people have sensed the presence and power of God in the last few days.
As I was praying and reflecting on things this morning (after pushing snow off the drive way again) I realized I need to get centered (again) on the Lord. There is so much to do. There are so many plans to make and execute. There is so much at stake. It is easy to look around and see Christmas is past and I hardly noticed it coming!
So here is an early New Year's resolution -- Get centered on Christ and be an MRI Christian. (I contrasted ABC Christians -- Attendance - Buildings - Cash-- with MRI Christians - Missional - Relational - Incarnational in a recent blog.)
Mission is evangelism (sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in meaningful, relevant and compelling ways) as well as serving and taking Christ to the lives of others.
Relation means caring for others and allowing the Lord to create a spiritual bond between people. As we care and build relationships with others (in particular those who are not presently in a relationship with Christ or part of the Church) we find ourselves used by the Lord to express his grace.
Incarnation is how God gets involved in people's lives in the world today. God became flesh in Jesus Christ and has done all that need be done to effect our salvation. Now we are invited to share in the kind of incarnational ministry that takes the Light of Christ into the dark places of this world.
I anticipate God continuing to change my life! I invite you to experience a freshness of the life changing, life transforming Spirit of God.
-- One more thing -- thanks to the youth band for leading us in worship today. It is so encouraging to see our youth taking leadership and showing the light of Christ

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