Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan represents a seismic shift in how God’s people live. Their faith, religion, and relationships are constructed on the law. There are hints of grace from the beginning of the Bible but law is the foundation until Jesus awakens people to Spirit and grace. Of course, Paul will step in later to develop a life if Spirit and grace.
When the religious people crossed on the other side of the road from the needy traveler, they were living out of their understanding of faith.
Jesus shows by example that the new way of life he brings is more concerned with how we treat people than memorization and adherence to rules. They help us but are not the end of the story.
We still struggle with living by the Spirit. It is easy to slip back into law. It seems more comfortable. But Spirit it is!
Who is the neighbor to one in need? The one who recites the principals of law? No. It is the one who shows mercy. Let’s go and do likewise.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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