Sunday, March 24, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Spring. March. Sports.
It has been a long winter but hopefully the corner is turned and warmer days are ahead.
March is Madness for college basketball fans. The big schools are playing in front of thousands and millions more on tv. They play over three weekends to determine a champion.  Smaller schools are also competing. The NAIA tournament is played annually in Kansas City. Hundreds, or maybe a few thousand enjoy a very festive tournament that lasts a week.
The sports scene also moves to Opening Day of baseball.
It is a great time of year.
But even in great times there are challenges. The flooding in North Missouri is affecting our neighbors. We will be stepping up to help when needs are identified.
There are many challenges in our world. Sometimes they seem unending with no solution in sight.
But then we remember the rythem of things. The cold of winter yields to spring.
The competition develops character and memories for a lifetime. Lessons are learned that lead to succes in life.
Opening a Day offers a new beginning with hopeful surprises awaiting.
And...the difficult challenges of our lives and world move into a future where God is already at work. We move into the warmth of His grace. We move into the surprising turns that make all things new. God is with us. God is present tense. God will lead us into His future. After all, Jesus is the I Am - present tense - resurrection and life. Walk in faith. Be encouraged.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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