Sunday, July 8, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Here's a thought.  25 years from now Christianity in North America is growing and being driven by a revitalized Wesleyan Movement.
Millions of people are awakening to the fact that there is something terribly flawed about human nature (original sin) but at the same time totally redeemable.
These same people are discovering the God given possibility of responding to the grace of God that is continually moving and stirring in the soul.
People are coming to the astounding realization that God has acted decisively in Jesus Christ and opened the way for any and all to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
People are overwhelmed by the good news of the Gospel and exercising their freedom to choose the way of Jesus.
People are excited about discovering that all that separates them from God (sin) and all that diminishes them is forgiven and they are on a path to abundant and eternal life.
The Church is vitally involved in caring for hungry people, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick and imprisoned. (see Matthew 25)
People are exhibiting a level of generosity that is unprecedented in history.
Vital worship is happening in every place.
People are taking their faith into the world and being servants to those in need.
Day dream?  Wishful thinking? Vision? A faithful hope?
You be the judge.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.
On another note...
Platte Woods Church holds Vacation Bible School beginning tomorrow (Monday).  Over 500 children with another couple of hundred volunteers will be touched by God's grace.  Pray for all involved in this great week.

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