Sunday, October 29, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It was around 30 years ago I was sitting at my desk when the phone rang.  I lived in Blue Springs and a person was calling to make appointments for an upcoming blood drive at the Presbyterian Church. 
They asked if I had ever donated before.  I said "no".  They asked if I would.  I thought about it and could not think of a good reason to decline, so I said "sure".  So they made my appointment.
I remember my dad was "on call" for blood donations.  It was not as organized in those days.  If the hospital needed a blood donor they would make a call.  I did not think much about that at the time but when asked to give blood I remembered. 
I must say I felt a little nervous as the time came to go make my donation.  I was not sure what was going to happen.  I assumed it was not some excruciating experience since the whole basement of the church was full of people giving blood.  I don't remember the details but evidently it was a good experience.
From that beginning I became a regular blood donor and have continued the practice to the present.  There have been times when I was not eligible.  When returning from a mission trip I have had to wait a year to donate.  But it has become something I am able to do.
I appreciated all our people who took the time to donate blood today.  I have not heard the numbers but it seemed like we had more than normal.
It is a very simple thing to do.  And the difference it makes is huge.  Lives may literally be saved. 
Isn't that how it works with things of faith.  Most everyone has some past experience of knowing a person who believed and lived out their faith.  Then the call comes inviting one to consider faith in Christ.  Have you ever made a commitment to Jesus?  Would you?  For those who can't think of a good idea not to, make the appointment.  Faith is an on-going, life changing matter.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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