Sunday, July 19, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This is a great day to be an American! Today is National Ice Cream Day! In keeping with the spirit of the day we passed out various types of ice cream to everyone as they left church today. It was just fun. We had the ice cream donated. I am grateful to our people who put this together (Jennifer, Debbie, Ann, Brian & Evelyn - as well as all your helpers). I appreciate those who put together the donation. We will be making a gift in kind to those who helped out. What we enjoyed today was a treat similar to what people (especially children) might receive from Harvesters or some other organization that serves people in need. I thought is was super to share in something that many in our community consider a great treat. It's great to be childlike and enjoy our ice cream. That is not all. We also celebrated a great week of Vacation Bible School. A representative group of our kids sang for us in worship. You had to see this week to appreciate it. I can tell you there were 450 kids singing, dancing, learning and having a wonderful time with the Lord this week but seeing the seats in the sanctuary filled with kids was amazing. There is no way to fully comprehend the lives that were touched this week. You saw the joy and fun but the Lord knows the hearts that were touched, the faith that took root and the way a young persons course of life was established. It has been a great week to be a kid at PWUMC! Today was a great day to be a kid at PWUMC. With childlike faith - trust in the goodness of Jesus Christ - we rejoice. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a great day too. steve

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