Sunday, July 12, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This week is Vacation Bible School week at Platte Woods. VBS continues to be a timeless tradition for churches. I remember VBS weeks - yes more than one week of VBS. Those were summer days when we came to church each day for Bible stories, crafts, snacks and games. We ate homemade chocolate chip cookies that members made and brought to church. We drank red Kool Aid. We played games like Red Rover. We made things that supported the Bible story of the day or week. We learned stories in the Bible. When you put it all together we were experiencing God. We were kids but something was happening in our lives that would not go away. We still remember. The technology is much different. Flannel boards have given way to videos. The snacks are more healthy. The games are different. But the Bible stories are the same. The experience of God's love and grace continues. This week we anticipate more young lives being impacted by the Spirit of God. It promises to be a great week. Should be fun. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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