Sunday, June 22, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

What if the story of Noah was about God deciding to relate to a corrupted creation and sinful humanity differently. Rather than emphasis upon the judgment of sinners and a corrupt creation could the flood be a means toward restoration, renewal and redemption. In other words, is the Flood an act of grace that promises humanity a second chance? These are some of the ideas we have been thinking about in the current message series. Frankly it has been encouraging as we find our lives intersecting with what God is doing and experiencing our own defining moments. On another note... The celebration for Curtis, Angie and the boys (Andrew & Zach) was great. It was a good crowd. Great sharing. Meaningful moments as we rejoiced in their ministry among us. The cake was pretty good too. I think about it and realize the life of faith we live in the Church is amazing. We are able to hear God's Word read and proclaimed. We worship together. We celebrate changes in life together. We pray together. Sometimes we shed a tear together. Sometimes we laugh uncontrollably together. In Christ we do life together. It is a joy, a blessing and amazing. It's been a great day. I hope you've had a great day too. steve

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