Sunday, May 25, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I got to pick up in our "#" series. Frankly not too many years ago (and some of us still) looked at that symbol and thought "number sign"or 'lb". But now it stands for "hashtag." Clearly the pace of change touches many areas of life and communication. Anyway today it was #pwcAllin. That is "All in" as in totally committed. It continues to strike me how many of us have faith stories to share. Your experience of Christ is very meaningful to you and I assure you it will be very meaningful to someone else. Your experience of Christ and relationship with God is totally relevant to your life and I assure you it will be totally relevant to another. You are truly engaged with the Lord and your witness will be used to engage another in the life of grace. You need not reach all but you may certainly reach some. We use the idea of twitter because it shows how an idea or message "trends" in many directions and to many people even all over the world. Such is the message of the Gospel. As you share your story the Gospel "trends" to others and bears fruit. So don't forget #pwcAllin God's grace is for all through faith in Jesus Christ. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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