Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This weekend I had the opportunity to lead a class on "Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit" for 18 students in the Course of Study. They were primarily part-time local pastors serving in our United Methodist Church. We had pastors from Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and even a person from Washington state. It was a great group and I had a blessed time sharing with them. It is encouraging to find people learning to "think theologically." We all do this. We bring our understanding of God to the decisions and choices we make each day. At least I encourage you to bring God into your decision making process. It truly makes a huge difference. We think theologically when we manage our time and our money. We think theologically when we do something for someone else. I think you get the idea. God is a vital part of all of life. This week remember God is with us not only in worship and "church" things. God is with us in all of life. I pray you experience His presence this week. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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