Sunday, November 25, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I hope you have had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. I would love for us to take advantage of this reminder and make a new commitment to practice thanksgiving in our daily life. What if tomorrow morning when you got up (and got your wits about you) you began your day thanking God for those things that come to mind? Perhaps this "ritual" of thanks could continue the next day and the next until it becomes a habit. The next thing you know thanks could not only begin your day but also conclude your day. Then the next thing you know you find yourself taking moments throughout the day to give thanks. There is even more. You find yourself not only thanking God but you get even more intentional about saying thank you to people you encounter. Before long you are a different person. One more attitude - one more activity contributes to the Holy Spirit transforming your life. Thank you. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. Steve

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