Sunday, August 5, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Pastor Ginger began our August message series today. "Love Walks" shows us that the love of Christ compels us to "walk across the room" to share good news with others. The "church" word is evangelism. Often when people are invited to share thier initial reaction to the word evangelism some negative image arises. Pushy - arrogant - trying to get me to do or beleive something I am not sure about. Contrast these negative images with what we think of when asked to describe a person who has had a positive influence on our lives. We hope to help people see evangelism in the same positive light with those who have had the greatest impact on us. Evangelism is good news. We share the good news. One evening Cindy and I were with some friends at Zona Rosa. A teenager came walking past us talking on her cell phone. Her message: They are giving away free ice cream at Coldstone! That was the word all over Zona Rosa. People were telling their friends. They were telling strangers. It was good news and it was spreading fast. We got some free ice cream that evening! How could we chatter good news? - grace - forgiveness - hope - encouragement - assurance - confidence - peace - Come and receive. It's even better than ice cream. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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