Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well it looks like the serious snow moved around the K.C. area. It was blustery this morning but we still had a good crowd for worship. What an amazing church!

We were talking about the church this weekend. At its best the church is a living, organic, growing, redemptive body of Christ.

The Church offers a fellowship of believers. Jesus invited us to "abide" in him. That means Jesus lives in and through us and we live in Christ. Since Jesus is not physically walking on the earth today we live into this vision by "abiding" - residing in - dwelling with - the Church.

The Church is a redemptive fellowship where grace abounds.
The Church is a movement of God's salvation plan.
The Church is hope for a despairing world.
The Church is light in the darkness.
The Church is a door to eternal life.
The Church is a window to the heart of God.
At its best, the Church is a fellowship of believers living the vision of God's plans and purposes.

I am blessed to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ - I consider it a blessing to be part of the United Methodist "tribe." I find it a great joy to be pastor of our church.

Next week we finish up our sermon series on I BELIEVE IN GOD, BUT... and will address the question, "Is There Really Just One Way?"

The next series will be "After You Believe." I see us growing in grace and discovering more and more of what it is to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

One more thing ... tomorrow evening at 6:30 we have a church conference where we will elect our leadership council. This is an important step in our Healthy Church Initiative. I hope you will support our leaders and share the vision.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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