Monday, May 26, 2008

What's on people's minds?

What’s on people’s minds when they come to church?

- Why won’t anybody talk to me?
- It’s too cold in here.
- My wife left me this week.
- My husband is having an affair.
- There is no more money in my savings account.
- I lost my job.
- I had to take a pay cut at work.
- My daughter is sexually active.
- The music is too loud.
- Where did they find that song?
- My son said he is homosexual.
- How can I kick this drug habit?
- The pastor doesn’t seem to care what is bothering me.
- I don’t think the Bible is true.
- This is the last chance I’m giving the church.
- My son got arrested last night.
- Why can’t we sing songs I like?
- I’m not sure I believe in Jesus.
- All the church cares about is money.
- How many people do I have to lay off tomorrow?
- I don’t think I can be saved.
- Why do I even come to church?
- I can’t hear the children sing.
- Why do we have the children singing again?
- Organ music is wonderful.
- Who likes organ music?
- I wonder what the score of the game is?
- I wonder if this lump is serious?
- I have surgery this week.
- Is there really a God?
- I hope God knows I’m here.

These are just some of the thoughts I imagine are present on any given day. So if you see me walking around like my head is swimming …

I’ll be thinking about this and come back later with some ideas from another perspective.

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