Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This afternoon we went to a Mannheim Steamroller concert. They certainly have a unique style. They do not invent anything. They play keyboards, strings, recorders, and percussion. But the way they put things together is just different.
As I took in the sights and sounds the thought struck me. The Christian life does not consist of elements that are foreign to daily life. There is work and play. There are family and friends. But life has a unique arrangement.
Christ transforms the elements of life into a unique blend that captures the imagination of those looking on.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan represents a seismic shift in how God’s people live. Their faith, religion, and relationships are constructed on the law. There are hints of grace from the beginning of the Bible but law is the foundation until Jesus awakens people to Spirit and grace. Of course, Paul will step in later to develop a life if Spirit and grace.
When the religious people crossed on the other side of the road from the needy traveler, they were living out of their understanding of faith.
Jesus shows by example that the new way of life he brings is more concerned with how we treat people than memorization and adherence to rules. They help us but are not the end of the story.
We still struggle with living by the Spirit. It is easy to slip back into law. It seems more comfortable. But Spirit it is!
Who is the neighbor to one in need? The one who recites the principals of law? No. It is the one who shows mercy. Let’s go and do likewise.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I’ve been thinking about prayer. When I reflect on my prayers I realize much of what I was taught about prayer in childhood continues to help today. I feel a bit encouraged by child like faith being lived day to day.
I also realize that often my prayers seem like prayers for a project. There is nothing wrong with praying for projects, unless you reduce people to projects.
My thoughts are, rather than praying for projects I can learn to pray on and with purpose. God is purposeful.
God has purpose for creation.
God has purpose for your life.
God is resolute in His divine purposes.
With that in mind, how would praying with purpose inform your prayers?
By the way, I don’t have an answer to this. I continue to make new discoveries about the spiritual life, especially prayer.
I think I’m on to something here. Looking forward to finding out what !
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Remember. This weekend we remembered those who have entered into life eternal during the past year. We honored spouses, parents, children and friends. I have personal memories of the majority of those whose faith we celebrate. The good news is that everyone has someone to remember.
Of even greater significance is that Jesus remembers us. One crucified with Jesus asked to be remembered. Jesus assured him he would be with him in paradise, even that day. He remembers.
In life and in death God always remembers us. Know that the Lord remembers you today - and every day.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had.a good day too.