Sunday, January 27, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I was blessed to be in worship today. So good to have Jake and Britton preaching. I am taking some time to plan the messages around the special called session of General Conferene coming in February as well as a series for Lent where we will be thinking about the idea, “Is God to Blame?”
This afternoon we had a church conference and talked about our vision for reaching the unreached in the Northland over the coming years.
I shared an insight I read from a church consultant. The context is how Church attendance is in a time of decline in the USA. The fastesr growing demographic on church participation surveys are the “nones”. These are people with no religious affiliation.
So, the insight is...Mainline churches see decline as the new norm. Growing, evangelical churches see decline as the next challenge to be met.
Which attitude do you claim? As for me, I choose not to settle for decline being viewed as normal. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been changing lives and the world for centuries. Jesus is still alive. The Holy Spirit continues to move. May God empower us to meet the new challenge of our time.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The last few days have been a whirlwind. My dad, Robert Breon, passed away early Friday morning. After some time of declining health and strength he quickly passed away very peacefully.
There have been so many moments where God’s grace has been truly amazing. Today at church I found myself surrounded by the most astounding family in the Body of Christ. There is something wonderful about God’s people and support that comes.
My family is blessed. The love of Christ is tangible. How I long for all to know the Savior like my dad did and be part of the family of God.
In spite of these moments, it’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

To be the best you gotta beat the best. We will hear that around town all week as our Chiefs prepare to host the New England Patriots in the AFC championship game and a trip to the Super Bowl.  The Pats have a goofy run of excellence. They have been the best for over a decade. Tom Brady has been in like a zillion Super Bowls.  The best.
So along comes this 23 year old, Patrick Mahomes. This Chiefs team has become something we are not accustomed to seeing. They are crazy good on offense. Could there be a changing of the guard? Could Mahomes become a generational talent? Could the Chiefs establish an unprecedented run of success?
Could be. To be the best you gotta beat the best.
Clearly the future looks bright for our guys. This week will be fun. The Chiefs have many big games in their future.
Sports are so much fun. But they are not the most important thing in life. We believe our faith in Jesus is most important. And to be the best...
(Keep making your list)
To be the best we SURRENDER.
We surrender our life to Christ and discover we are our “ best” when in Christ.
It’s been a great day. I hope you’ve had a great day too.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The year is off to a good start. People seemed to be in a good mood this weekend. There was well wishing. Happy New Year. The fellowship was a joy to behold. It was the church alive.
The church alive is engaged in worship. This was evident today. Singing praise, prayers, scripture, and communion. Hearts were touched by thr Living Lord. Worship.
The church alive serves. We were reminded of the number of people who served over 270 meals at 44 locations on Christmas morning. That is but one of the service engagements we shared in.
The church alive learns together. There are on-going classes. There are new groups being formed. There are new classes kicking off. There are new groups waiting to emerge.
The church alive is generous. $30,000 + was given Christmas Eve. We get to give all of it away to help others. People are generous with time and energy. The church alive excels in the practice of generosity.
The churc alive realizes we primarily exist for those who are not yer here. We invite people to come hear the Good News. The church alive reproduces faith in unbelievers, hopeful believers, and fully engaged believers.
This is a picture of the church alive. I saw her today.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.